Sadly, it’s probably still slavery, however
Sadly, it’s probably still slavery, however
Some degenerates are flogging mattresses with AI, somehow!?
Loose leaf beats beans any day, I reckon.
Get yourself a ginseng oolong and skip the coffee for a day and see how it goes
This is brilliant - one quality rant, for sure.
Egss are a metric, which people are focusing on but they’re forgetting whybits a useful metric ('cos it’s protein that’s cheaper than meat and a useful building block of a lot of foods)
That sounds amazing, but which ‘approach’ to the rotor would be covered?
I liked it when they were doing that with Aussie PMs…
Wow, that’s one hell of a name. No wonder they always use E. Coli…
Been there, done that!
Didn’t really learn from it either, sadly - it just made everything azure taste like ass
(not in a good way!)
Holy shit that must be equally frustrating and satisfying all at once - what a turn around!
Incidentally, how does one pronounce blahaj?? Am I far off when I think it’s bla-haa?
To add to this, I find it helpful to think about “what I’m doing today makes tomorrow easier” (or what can I do with these 15 minutes to smooth tomorrows hassles)
No shit…