Router with a round nose bit. Not sure what size bore you’re aiming for, if it isn’t too massive you could make short work of the carving
Something like this:
Operational ingenuity meets existential curiosity | Skeptical optimist, probabilistic thinker, and occasional troublemaker.
Altruism erases constraints. So does caffeine.
Router with a round nose bit. Not sure what size bore you’re aiming for, if it isn’t too massive you could make short work of the carving
Something like this:
The ‘common’ part of ‘common sense’
Say what you mean; mean what you say.
No idea where I heard or read it, but preteen me internalized it and it’s become part of my creed to this day
This brand of positivity you’re embodying is the most infectious one, and if I can feel it in your writing I imagine hearing it spoken from you would be some next level inspiration.
I’ve lost some people close to me over the years and what saddens me most is how I’ve forgotten so much about them beyond what they looked like. All of them except one…Gordon left behind audio recordings as his last messages to each of us in the group of friends.
Every time I hear his voice, it brings back so much about him that just can’t be said. His cadence, intonation, and overall manner of speaking have helped keep an entire person in my memory.
I wonder if that’s an option for you. I can say from experience that the lasting impact of audio is…powerful. Being able to actually hear my friend…i can imagine him speaking to me, and it’s in his voice because his voice is not forgotten.
Your family hearing your thoughts, in your voice…and being able to hear you speak long after your time…man, I can’t think of a better way to highlight your true personality and make it a lasting one.
No problem! Happy building!