Unable to set up a working server for outside of the home network. Also, the UI is terrible and didn’t organize things well.
Unable to set up a working server for outside of the home network. Also, the UI is terrible and didn’t organize things well.
Pine trees for pulp wood? Pickle ball court?
I tried Jelly Fin last month based on a thread here and it was a damned dumpster fire. As bad a Plex is for remote streaming, JF is far worse for the average person.
Schumer is right. A shut down would have allowed trump to enact emergency powers and then there would be no further votes.
remote streaming rarely works for me so I won’t be losing anything.
Pee Wee Himmler is such a little bitch
Trump & Co do love the uneducated.
Hank Hill’s Dad would have known where she is from.
Trying to get my elderly mother to understand the difference between wifi and mobile data. Maddening.
I regret not taking shop and home economics. Filing taxes and balancing checkbooks would be good skills to learn also.
My kids school just did a survey and part of it included questions about teaching technology with a big focus on the use of AI. My response was “No” full stop. They need to learn how to do traditional research first so that they can spot check the error ridden results generated by AI. Damn it school, get off the bandwagon.
Luckily you really don’t need to do a full tear down and cleaning often unless you are grinding very dark and oily beans. Blowing it out should be good enough. I have a Knock Feldgrind 2 that I used years and never disassembled it. A blow out after each grind and once a month or so using a soft brush to get out some stubborn bits. I also have a Helor 101 which was easy to tear down and used it for years also. A complete tear down of the 101 after a couple years of use found every little inside that required cleaning.
Congrats on the K6. That is a nice grinder. It should serve you well for many years.
Annually or sometime a couple times a year, rake the pine straw, have it bailed, then sell it to folks doing landscaping or have someone pay you for the right to do that.
In Georgia, roughly 100 acres of pine trees sell for around $1.5mil to $2mil when they are ready for harvest which is 15 to 20 years.