They seem to be doing pretty well during Spring training. Helps to have someone like Posey with all that institutional knowledge in the mix.
They seem to be doing pretty well during Spring training. Helps to have someone like Posey with all that institutional knowledge in the mix.
If you want to truly understand the way the world works, you may want to have a way to model the objects, events, interactions, and all their semantic connections, as they change over time.
But that’s too hard.
Let’s just have a universal parrot that has been trained to retain and repeat everything it has ever heard. Sooner or later, the parrot will sound like it understands things, without having to deal with that other messy stuff. All it needs is more examples to mimic.
Most embeddable medical devices need wireless to share out data and get OTA updates. Unless you’re doing wired things, in which case MCU size may not matter.
As cool as the TI is, I’d look at the new SiLabs BG29 for processing + BLE: https://news.silabs.com/2025-03-12-Silicon-Labs-Unveils-BG29-The-Future-of-Bluetooth-R-LE-in-Miniature-Devices
On second thought… a medical device that goes in one end, collects data, and comes out the other end. OK, that may not need wireless… and it better be small.
One-click Linux cluster. Local compute, NAS, or self-hosting. Be a shame if it all ended in landfill.
Not a formal audit, but a more recent review of the protocol: https://soatok.blog/2025/02/18/reviewing-the-cryptography-used-by-signal/
My first tech job out of college, I was told to go talk to “Dave,” the guru old-timey programmer and learn the lay of the land. He turned out to be this crotchety old guy, with low tolerance for idiots, but a soft spot for someone who actually paid attention.
A few months in, I was told to go fix a feature in the company’s main product which was sold to power utilities. This was a MASSIVE code base, with a mix of C, C++, assembler, and a bit of Fortran thrown in. I spent a week poring through all the code trying to figure things out. Then I hit a mystery workflow that didn’t make sense.
I walk over to Dave’s office and ask a specific question. Now, mind you, he had worked on this years ago, and had long moved on to new products. He leans back in his chair, stares at the ceiling, then without looking at the screen once tells me to go look at such and such file for such and such variable, and a list of functions that were related. I go back to my desk and damn if it wasn’t EXACTLY as he described.
Now, I’m probably as old as he was then. I don’t remember what I wrote an hour ago. No matter what I build, I’ll always be in awe of Dave and what he could keep in his head.
Getting less programmer_humor and more “I didn’t get the promo” angry vibe from this.
Filing taxes. Instead, I’m going to go watch a movie and try a new beer. Take a crack at it tomorrow.