Listen, if you have to jump through hoops to stretch the meaning of a phrase, just to raise the idea that the phrase might not be completely asinine, it might be a better use of your time to just let it be. You shouldn’t have to do mental gymnastics and word judo just to squeeze a non-obvious semi-literate meaning out of something the leader of the free world said. Don’t do their work for them (unless you are being paid to do their work for them, of course… but get paid up front, because they aren’t very good about honoring contracts).
There are a couple fundamental differences between the US and North Korea - in NK, you can’t travel without governmental approval and also you get shot if you try to leave.
In the US, you can walk to a different state if you so desire (or drive or fly, but those require gov’t ID) and the only thing you need to have if you want to leave the country is paperwork that the other country accepts.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more fundamental differences between the two countries, but those are two big ones that I thought of off the top of my head.