Hardstyle, (Electronic) Hardcore, DnB, Trance. Don’t really mind metal etc either, but I generally don’t listen to it myself. Most pop music bores me because it’s too slow. I need speed and intensity but I don’t really mind repetition.
Hardstyle, (Electronic) Hardcore, DnB, Trance. Don’t really mind metal etc either, but I generally don’t listen to it myself. Most pop music bores me because it’s too slow. I need speed and intensity but I don’t really mind repetition.
The difference is that you can actually download this model and run it on your own hardware (if you have sufficient hardware). In that case it won’t be sending any data to China. These models are still useful tools. As long as you’re not interested in particular parts of Chinese history of course ;p
Ik heb het wel eens geprobeerd, maar sommige mensen vinden het heel moeilijk/vervelend om iets anders dan WhatsApp te gebruiken blijkbaar. Ik prefereer veiligere services zoals Signal ook, maar ik heb inmiddels wel geleerd dat het ook heel vervelend is om absoluut te weigeren WhatsApp te gebruiken. Ik heb op de studie meerdere keren gehad dat mensen absoluut voet bij stuk houden, de één wilde absoluut geen WhatsApp en de andere weigerde Signal of Telegram te gebruiken omdat hij niet “al die apps op z’n telefoon wilde”. Toen konden we dus gewoon niet efficiënt communiceren. Ik wilde ook liever geen WhatsApp, maar het is tenminste nog end2end encrypted.
I don’t do it, because I usually get confused by them, but it makes sense to me. I don’t know what will taste good, and by following a recipe you can leverage someone’s experience to get something that tastes good. Personally I just accept that I often eat something mid in the pursuit of good cooking skills
Hmmm there’s definitely a correlation. If the countries without a lighthouse just build a lighthouse, they should get ample access to the sea
Although censorship is obviously bad, I’m kinda intrigued by the way it’s yapping against itself. Trying to weigh the very important goal of providing useful information against its “programming” telling it not to upset Winnie the Pooh. It’s like a person mumbling “oh god oh fuck what do I do” to themselves when faced with a complex situation.