Couple that with some truly dumb design ideas from Elon (no lidar, no physical buttons, indicators as buttons, stupidly high repair bills due to design choices) and some even more stupid personal behaviors from him and he has just cut the legs out of his market.
Well, some of these dumb design ideas are not really from Elon and it is not that other car manufacturer are too much different…
You don’t copy because you think it is a good idea, you copy because everyone did the same thing. If everyone start putting touch button on cars and you not, you will be seen as old. Even if the idea is stupid, it is the hot new idea of the day. Also putting touch screen is cheaper to build and update since in the end the physical button just send a signal to one of the various ECUs on the car anyway.
Leaving Ferraris aside, it is not that a button as indicators is always a bad idea. What is a stupid idea is to put a touch button without tactile feedback, so you need to look to see if you have pressed it or not.
Well, my Renault has some buttons on the steering wheel and it do not seems too bad to use them while driving, I find very convenient to be able to control something without moving my hands from it (ok, they are not touch button).
A car I drove some months ago had double commands: touch ones and physical buttons. Not bad as choice.