I have this electric pizza oven. Really nice and more affordable than those ooni ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unold-Luigi-Electric-Pizza-68816-400°C/dp/B0C3DLR27Q
I have this electric pizza oven. Really nice and more affordable than those ooni ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unold-Luigi-Electric-Pizza-68816-400°C/dp/B0C3DLR27Q
It’s not quite as simple as that and there are other growing conditions that are required. If we take Arabica, it requires a very small window temperature window, sunlight but not so much it scorches the plant, a particular pH of soil, and consistent rainfall.
Climate change brings unpredictability to growing conditions so even if you had to move where you grow it, it won’t necessarily mean it’ll grow well. Plus different locations can bring on new diseases for the (coffee has its fair share of diseases to combat with) and so new varitals would need to be selected which is no simple task.
As the article points out, coffee is notorious for being fussy when growing it.
As someone said, certain pepperoni are more greasy than others. You can reduce the grease though a bit by par baking the pizza first with just the sauce and veg toppings then take it out, put the pepperoni and cheese on, pop back in the oven to finish off
It’ll reduce the amount of grease being cooked out but also stop the cheese from splitting