Yeah that’s something that hovered in my mind for a time, not putting all my eggs in the same basket
Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
Yeah that’s something that hovered in my mind for a time, not putting all my eggs in the same basket
I was already considering tuta as my “main” email for degoogling purposes, I’ll consider their options for the paid plan, it looks like the strongest competitor to Proton
Thank you for the detailed response!! I’ll study all the options ❤️
I will, but that’s not the most important point of this post
As I mentioned in the post, this is mostly out of curiosity
Yeah uk and france are like siblings constantly fighting lol
For the us for example the term “freedom fries” was coined because of the Iraq situation haha
I can’t wait for the localized version to be published this summer, it’s my most anticipated game, hoping the campaign is bundled with it
French people here consider the refusal to invade irak to be the cause
How so ?
On est vraiment les champions des embrouilles en france
La Monnaie a découvert que le vernis utilisé pour prévenir l’oxydation était défectueux. La recette du vernis est un secret commercial, mais l’enrobé a été affaibli après une modification pour le rendre conforme à la nouvelle réglementation de l’Union européenne interdisant le trioxyde de chrome, un antirouille toxique, selon La Lettre, une publication spécialisée française.
La Monnaie refuse de confirmer cette information, mais a déclaré dans un communiqué avoir « modifié le vernis et optimisé son processus de fabrication pour le rendre plus résistant à certaines utilisations observées sur les médailles par les athlètes ».
Plutôt sous entendre que c’est la faute des autres que de reconnaître des erreurs, on a bien appris du président
Yeah this kind of accuracy elitism (idk how to call it) is ruining artistic expressions and experimentation
Punaise ils auraient pu faire un effort de jeux de mots, d’habitude c’est la spécialité du gouvernement les noms à la con, LucIA était dispo 😭
And drinking plenty of water ! Hydrate !
Wait, can we ?
Pour son livre-enquête Mood Machine. The Rise of Spotify and the Costs of the Perfect Playlist (« la machine à humeur : l’essor de Spotify et le coût de la playlist parfaite », Atria/One Signal Publishers, 2025, non traduit), Liz Pelly a interviewé plus d’une centaine de personnes, dont d’anciens employés de Spotify, pour comprendre comment la plateforme tentait de compenser ses pertes. La journaliste indépendante américaine y analyse notamment le recours, par Spotify, à la musique d’ambiance et aux « faux artistes ».
Je suis curieux de ce que ça va donner pour leur logo
While i appreciate the work put towards a healthier Lemmy experience for everyone, I’m also concerned about the consolidation efforts happening lately.
I agree with streetfestival that it comes off as pushing towards centralisation of communities within instances that are considered “acceptable” (by whom, for whom, what criteria?), which to me goes directly against the idea of federation.
! is perfectly fine and was actually the community people recommended when .ml was considered not reliable anymore. Why make people move again?
The goal is to have users have a choice, not force people to use four to five “main” instances and go back to a Reddit style of ownership when it comes to communities. Until we have an option to federate and share comments between communities, I’d rather “live and let live” than force a specific usage of Lemmy upon users.
For France I’ve been using
For Netherlands it seems there’s this one
I don’t know about a full european one, it would need cooperation and shared information from all the countries, which is feasible, but I don’t know if they would consider it (effort for something that isn’t profitable for them, probably)
Glass half full !
Images? Videos? Songs? You want it? It’s yours my friend, as long as you have enough Prompts!