Are these those hollow plastic pieces?
I think I went to high school with that guy.
One day I went to bed at 22 and woke up in my 40s. Where did it all go?
I have to wonder if anyone at Microsoft is paying attention. It’s like New Coke in the 80s. They quickly realized they fucked up and rebranded the original as Classic Coke. I’m wondering if there will be a Windows Classic coming out soon with no AI, no subscription, no forced cloud dependency bullshit. lol probably not but whatever.
Keeping with the soft drink analogy, I think Pepsi tried something similar in the 90s with Crystal Pepsi, which also failed miserably.
If “lime must go up” always, then they need to come up with a better way than product enshitification.
But LibreOffice has supported docx for years now, right?
LibreOffice supports .odt and .doc and .docx and a ton of other formats though.
LibreOffice (and its predecessor OpenOffice) have been a solid FOSS and *nix alternative for like over two decades. So I’m a bit confused about what these other alternatives provide that LibreOffice lacks.
What was it you would fallback to use Office for that you couldn’t do on Linux?
Why do people blame devs for enterprise software functionality? Those requirements are all driven by marketing / product management.
Their plugins were fucked from the beginning. You never had control of your extensions.
I just design for IE6
So much friction right now.
Except maybe the troll you are replying to wants violence. 🤷
I’m currently stroganoff.
I can’t remember what I paid for my 40mb MFM hard drive in 1992. I kind of want to say it was around like $200. ?
Maybe a Garmin joke? Even though it’s spelled with an i not an e, like the asterisk censored word in the comment?
Then we can take back the Canama Panal.
But how many mainstream or “normie” users are going to do any of that? But I guess if Facebook feels threatened, that’s a step in the right direction. That’s competition, which capitalism says is supposed to be good, right….