Any idea what that says at the bottom?
Any idea what that says at the bottom?
This is such a concise and accurate description of everything that’s wrong with corporations.
I’ve seen the original meme a few times, but did a double take with the face swap. Now if only someone can swap him out doing his Nazi salute.
our ability to cooperate & coordinate
Yeah, tying back to the original post about whether money is real or made up - that ability to come up with abstract concepts out of asses is what allows us to cooperate on such grand levels.
You might only personally know 100 people that you reasonably trust. But you don’t need to personally know and trust someone in order to sell something to them. We all sort of magically agree that money has value and it allows us to transact with almost anyone.
Same thing with governments. A government isn’t a real thing that you find in nature, but by believing in the concept of it, we’re able to (somewhat) unify millions or billions of people to get shit done.
I guess what I’m saying is, don’t discount the power of something just because it’s not “real”. Making up imaginary shit has got our species pretty damn far!
You should check out the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Humans have this amazing ability to make up all sorts of crazy shit, but it has huge advantages in our ability to organize.
One on one, a chimp would easily be at up a human. Ten on ten, the chimps still have an advantage. But 200 on 200, humans would win no contest. Our ability to make shit up allows us to coordinate with huge numbers people that we don’t even know, which is extraordinarily rare.
Dammit this just made me think of Brooklyn 99 on Netflix. They have season 1-4, with season 4 ending on a cliffhanger. My wife and I were watching it and didn’t realize there were more seasons. We watched it and we’re like “what the fuck kind of series ending is that?!”
Turns out the rest is only on Peacock, which has ad breaks every couple minutes. It’s the wooooorst.
Just had to look this up. Apparently they do. The the magnetron (the electrical element that converts electrical energy into microwave energy) will not maintain the same power levels over time.