Fighting the good fight elbow deep in a tub of off brand ice cream.
Fighting the good fight elbow deep in a tub of off brand ice cream.
One capitalism rock please.
Many people who have been in abusive work situations know that there’s a point when you should leave but the constant drain from the abuse keeps you in a state of exhaustion that prevents any action. It’s often only once this makes you so physically sick that you have to take the time off and realize this can’t go on any longer.
I believe this is the zone where Amazon wants to keep their employees. Fully exhausted, given up on any possible improvement.
If you find yourself in a situation like this, run like fuck.
Current state earth or shot out the airlock into the vacuum of space. They probably threw a coin.
Autopsy reports are vague and contradictory. They describe women with evidence of trauma, including burns and electric shocks, all labeled natural deaths. One woman’s cause of death was simply “brain dead.”
Checked the article because I was wondering what the actual cause of death was and it turns out they just wave everything through as natural causes. They’re being straight up murdered. Lovely.
I actually know people who operate like this. My old neighbor was a paycheck to paycheck kind of guy who’d always instantly spend all of his money on any trash you can think of. One day he came home with 3(!) Michael Bay Turtle movie collectors editions because they were on sale (“fantastic value!”) and by the end of the month he didn’t have money for food. That’s how bad his financial decisions were.
Anyway instead of proper budgeting he’d come up with these horrible ways to make sure he’d have money “stashed away”. E.g. he’d prepay 100 bucks per month for his electricity and then get half of it back after a year. That was his way of saving up money. Funniest thing about this was him calling the utility company and explaining to them why he wanted the highest possible monthly payment despite using so little power. They had some trouble understanding his investment strategy. Another classic was buying expensive things and selling them for half of what he payed. That’s pretty much what the picture implies. If you buy a $200 android phone and spend $1000 on useless crap then you won’t be able to sell your phone to pay the bills. The $1200 iphone on the other hand will get you $600 in an emergency. It’s the idiot’s piggy bank.
This doesn’t work with the DMY format and cannot be accepted.
I disagree with this being a good test. Where on earth would you find a wall on a road with a fotorealistic continuation of the road printed on it? This would trick many human drivers. Self driving cars fail in many realistic situations that are a lot more concerning. This is just clickbait.
You really don’t. Apart from the core things that you’d hear despite any filter you could possibly implement, most of it is just noise to “flood the zone” as they call it.
“What do you mean we can’t waterboard them? Can we fireboard them? No? Come on. Earthboarding? Is that ok? No!? That’s ridiculous. We’ll need to make some changes here. I mean, we can’t airboard them. That’s just fucking breathing. It doesn’t work! Fucking hell. Somebody get me a drink.”
But a consistent amount of enshittification shocks
I think the proper term is enshittification sharts
My boomer mom when it comes to anxiety/depression: Back when we were young that wasn’t even a thing!
Also my mom talking about alcoholism during that time: Oh yeah half my colleagues were alcoholics that never fully recovered from it but only 2 or 3 drank themselves to death.
I’ll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper!
my man are you aware of plants? try some goddamn beans instead of farting into chickens. do not eat the beans if you’re set on the farting thing though. don’t want to make this worse.
Can’t even be mad at them. Poor idiots were convinced to join the military. That’s the first time they got shafted. Then they got bombarded with missinformation that made them believe voting for trump is a good idea even though it very clearly went against their own interests. Shaft 2: Electric Boogaloo.
It’s like a Pokemon that keeps hurting itself in its confusion. These people are in need of assistance. Somone should pat their shoulders and say “there, there”. Best we can do.
While there, pick up some books. I stumbled into my library 2 years ago and picked some books up. Got sucked into exzessive smartphone use before that and could barely read more than 10 minutes without getting restless or sleepy. Took a while to recondition myself to just sitting in a chair and reading but it‘s so much better than endless scrolling.
Fuck the endless barrage of subscription services. Imma just sit in me chair, read me book and torrent the occasional movie.
It’s a bit misleading to phrase it as they did. Germany didn’t trial this. A few companies in Germany did. How many? Well fuck me if I know because the author does their best to keep any absolute numbers out of the article. I’m all for reducing work time since our productivity has easily risen enough to allow for that (once we eat the rich) but don’t try to sugarcoat it.
Billions of years of evolution leading to this. Tons of research with the same result. Nope, says narcissistic sociopath, you’re all wrong and I’m right.