Well, let’s compare that to Trump’s recent rallies….
Well, let’s compare that to Trump’s recent rallies….
Wait… she actually said these words?
In first reading the title I was wondering if the bill was talking about people blindly following Trump.
Birds died? Like bucolic lives were tragically cut short by the flu? What do news services think happens to female chickens as soon as their prime egg laying time is over? And how about male chicks?
OK…. Let us all see you do better.
Walt… Isn’t earth scheduled to be removed to add new lanes?
Or promise to pay but never do, like Trump did for his campaign rally expenses.
Well, there’s little chance he’ll feel any shame, so there’s no point in working that angle. How about a “Clippy” approach:
And most of all organize. Talk to your neighbors and friends about what they are doing to prepare. Help one another.
That’s the part that really hit home.
My parents told me I could be anybody. But that’s wrong. Identity theft is a crime.
Nice job, and neatly done too! That last picture with the corrosion I’d be worried about. I had similar corrosion that became a seeping leak. (Maybe you already know but apparently such corrosion is caused when rosin flux is not adequately cleaned off.) My leak was in place that would have been very difficult to solder in so I invested in a hydraulic Propress tool. It worked really well.
And the ones in your garage.
If they can base their business on stealing, then we can steal their AI services, right?
Have you met my step ladder? I never knew my real ladder.
I believe so, but better yet (if your car will not be subjected to freezing temperatures) is to just use water. WW fluid contains VOC’s which contribute significantly to pollution.
California Environmental Protection Agency Facts About Windshield Washer Fluid for Your Automobile