Treat all opinions with a grind of salt.
Username similarity could be coincidental.
Windmills are amazing, huge, satisfying, mind blowing. I like when they blink in unison.
Is the Men’s Journal an onion?
Psucie rynku. Ulgi na ZUS-ie? Upusty podatkowe? Podatek tylko od zysku? Wywalanie regulacji? Oddawanie usług publicznych w prywatne? Całowanie się z prezesami? Okradanie samorządów? Dopłaty dla bogatych?
I don’t wanna see a p…p knife.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
Really, really? Another automaker bailout (through subsidies)?
Invest in public transportation, not fuel post oil lobby.
Welcome to the vendors vs. standards world.
Depends on vendor and standard, interoperability is challenging, sometimes impossible.
Thanks Ballmer for QA.
Large portion of the Internet is hidden inside FB pages :/
It was a funeral? Or being ashamed?
Póki co ładujemy w autostrady. Do prawdziwej kolei jeszcze daleko.
Wrong answer, rewatch the ad and try again.
Hard, multiple tries. Bing is car-centric.
Cars are about to be crashed inside large vertical hydraulic press
City downtown. Realistic photo. Narrow streets. Many people. Cars are getting crashed inside multiple mobile hydraulic presses.
[…] will consist of 60 km of tunnels buried 500 metres down in 1.9 billion year old bedrock.
Are 500 meters deep enough?
“Absolute Linux” was a Linux distribution. Clicky bait title.
Immutable, doesn’t mean extreme secure. It’s a false sense of security.
It could be more secure.
But during a runtime, it is possible to overwrite operational memory, mask some syscalls, etc.
That’s my 3 cents.
Prohibition of having an animal, or child, should be illegal.