Oh! How embarrassing. Gonna pretend i understand the joke and hope no one notices.
Not familiar enough with MongoDB, besides it’s not exactly open source
Oh! How embarrassing. Gonna pretend i understand the joke and hope no one notices.
Not familiar enough with MongoDB, besides it’s not exactly open source
i’ll take pissing on the OPs parade
for 100 Alex
OP heard our advice and acted. In my book, that puts him in the awesome category.
We need more of that and more people willing to contribute rather than being Captain Obvious
Which is stated very clearly.
Not stated, kenobi data engine is limited to only sqlite3. Would pigeon hole yourself unable to switch data engines later on. For that usecase, recommend an ORM (SQLAlchemy).
kenobi looks like a fun project. Not every project needs to be bleeding edge or the bestest. kenobi is a good choice who those who are making a local app that doesn’t deal with requests.
What’s the difference between running uvicorn vs nginx?
Yes could just do a web search, but would like to hear the OP’s perspective
Thank you for getting rid of the imagery so quickly. It’s much better without it.
You are right can get away with the package name.
Looked over the source code and it’s a good project.
Will look over it again and see what i can contribute
Both github and pypi are likely to receive DMCA Complaints causing them trouble and grief.
Coders use both github and pypi and would prefer less trouble coming their way
From the artists web site there is a page discussing copyright law
Maybe the authors of kenobidb should read that page.
Folks running DeviantArt understands …
"If you take my work down am I protected from a lawsuit?
No. Even if DeviantArt takes an infringing work down, you may still be responsible for very significant damages if the copyright owner decides to sue you."
This commit gives link to the artist
Creating fan art is fine as long as that art isn’t sold without a Disney character licensing waiver. So the artist did nothing wrong.
The kenobi package did. It’s equivalent to making Kenobi T-shirts and selling them online.
It appears no package has kenobi as a dependency
Might i suggest the reason could possibly be attributed to that gigantic legal liability that sticks out like a sore thumb. Hmmm
Looked at the project LICENSE and saw no character licensing waiver from Disney. This not a case of fair use
, The package is both branded kenobi
and uses copyrighted imagery. Removing all doubt. The image most likely is not in the public domain. But if that is, this should be clearly documented and isn’t.
My first impression is, what a noob move.
Taking a step back, lets keep in mind, software is Intellectual Property. All our licenses are meaningless, if coders disregard copyright law.
There is nothing wrong with the software as long as it’s fork’ed away. The package name, the main script file name, and entrypoint name should be renamed. The imagery should be deleted.
Send a letter to Disney saying, stay away from our kids
then kick them out of the Western world. Then take a shower. Maybe burn our clothes just be sure.
Disney is guilty of mixing good and evil and calling it good. They propagandize your women projecting imagery that men should be rejected. They project themselves as priests seeking to supplant culture and society with their own set of morality and ethics.
We are a separate group, we are priests of technology. And don’t want to be stuck in the dark ages forever cuz a group of pervs discovered they can get little girls to pose for the camera and then feed the girls princess fantasies.
BUT that doesn’t excuse our actions. If we disregard copyright law.
There is no such thing as an end user. Those folks who are on a smartphone playing a video game or watching youtube? And absolutely paying using a convenient digital payment method.
They are not us
Lets pray they die out quickly.
Python is a pile of interconnected packages, very rarely do they get woven into an end user facing app.
Instead we are interacting with packages. If the package doesn’t work: the maintainer is gone, refuses ur request, or doesn’t respond in a timely manner, the onus to fix the mess is on us.
Just got back from talking with our team. The senior coder in charge of emojis in usernames is currently upgrading the windmills in the uk, having been able to enhance efficiency by 0.001%. Wow! Thats 14 Mega tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere every year!
Will take the weekend to get commercial Fusion energy rolled out and right after that will address your issue. Which i’m sure many other users will be thankful you brought to our attention. And luckily had the right man for the job on staff. He’s amazing, capable, enthusiastic, and eager to help.
“I admire your creativity. Will talk with our team, get their feedback, and timeline. See when can add support for emojis in usernames”
Hmmm … Thought it was agreed to not to say the quiet part out loud eh?
No one likes being insulted ESPECIALLY when it’s true.
This is why we praise them and spin every statement in a positive light.
i’m opposed to Grandma asking for IT support
Grandma gets a smartphone
They live along with us.
a bulldog gets onto a treadmill
a dog is trained to press buttons on the floor to express their desires
AI is used to decipher an animals language meaning and speech recognition
Koko the gorilla using celebrities to do marketing and guarantee TV time and our attention.
All these things are animals using tech.
I use stub files and mypy, but have concerns about behavior.
Thought the point is to move the static type checking stuff into a separate file. This makes the code much easier to read.
When a particular stub file becomes out of date, contents don’t reflect what’s going on in the code, there is no warning.
inner functions are ignored.
a functions contents are ignored.
Reluctant to use a library running node (gh actions aside) or Rust. My opinion is speed and correctness are insufficient arguments to introduce another tech stack. If something breaks, suddenly the onus is on me to understand why. That’s complicated if the additional tech stack is in a coding language i’m unfamiliar with.
This takes out: ruff, uv, and pyright. And whatever else comes out.
Have seven published python packages.
Trying to be open minded. Please layout other arguments why should be open to utilizing other tech stacks.
especially JS, some packages.json are super long. The sqlite author would blush looking at that
Yeah, but should it be (rw)?
If it’s rw, it’s a database, not a config file.
No software designer thinks … postgreSQL, sqlite, mariadb, duckdb, … nah TOML
Or at least yaml turns out to be not a strange suggestion
Thanks for the explanation.