The line must go UP! Invest! Invest! Invest! This will be anime of the season! To the MOON!
Can’t win the pun-battle with the literal dad. (I spend more time trying to out-pun him than I am willing to admit)
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Can’t win the pun-battle with the literal dad. (I spend more time trying to out-pun him than I am willing to admit)
An animated youtube kids show where objects compete in battle royale style game.
Once again, Dregarnuhr the Goddess of Time has woven our threads together and blessed us with a Myneday. The spin-off will be in 14 parts so the weekly ritual will come back for quite a while.
Will Hannelore escape the eternal ditter and marry Wilfred or sucumb to warfare simulations everyday? We will see next time…
On what ranking is Alexandria? It wasn’t a top ranking duchy as I would expect. Although Arhensbach had poor hervest last year and was a traitorous duchy.
“Be silent as losers should be.” - Chekhov’s gun my beloved
I personally am going through tadoku catalog right now to get up to a level where I can watch and read random stuff.
I tried a YT method with Russian but I only found 2 youtubers that ware making enjoyable stuff. It was very easy to just switch accounts so a bit of willpower to get through unfun recommended stuff was necessary. Try to use the Algorithm to your advantage. It wants you to stay on youtube. (Sadly I don’t want to learn Russian so I didn’t keep going)
For Japanese Fediverse look into Misskey (and forks). They have a LOT of Japanese speaking people.
I am already reading a bunch of LN and Anime so switching for me will be easy. I also have a backlog of interesting looking YT channels: ずんだもんの定理, あらゐけいいち and Clear Usui
I am to much of a human to let slide the disrespect for foreign cultures and religions. “Look at that silly thing they are doing! aren’t they hilarious! 😂😂😂” even though the people are holding value in it.
I feel a dichotomy between what it wants to be, a comedy show; and between what it ought to be, a serious exploration what it means to be a storyteller, tragedy and a thing you want to do with your life (animator vs director.)
the “skip the fight” bit was hilarious.
Pink Hair?
Uffff… 2nd episode and there are already slideshows. It doesn’t bode well for the production.
How dare you call precious Hannelore “Lady Crybaby”!
So this week is more setup for Hannelore trying to defend against potential grooms. There is Kenntrips that struck down a deal for information. A bit short part this week but if next week is Fellowship Gathering then we should see Rozemyne.