Only Mac OS 10 and later, based on BSD, uses ‘/‘. (And, I guess, A/UX.) Classic MacOS used a ‘:’, but it wasn’t regularly exposed in the UI. The only way most users would know is that the colon couldn’t be used in a file name.
Only Mac OS 10 and later, based on BSD, uses ‘/‘. (And, I guess, A/UX.) Classic MacOS used a ‘:’, but it wasn’t regularly exposed in the UI. The only way most users would know is that the colon couldn’t be used in a file name.
Indigenous names are heavily used. Half the states have Native American derived names, a much larger proportion than I thought. Pre-European population density was much lower, though so there were a lot fewer settlements to name.
Read mana cost, reads power and toughness, read first ability. “OK, but feels mid of expensive.
Read second ability. “Oh, that’s broken.”
It does require an accurate reporting of someone’s income. Rich people are infamous for finding any possible loophole to write something off to avoid income tax. Not saying day fines are a bad idea, just saying if we were to implement it we’d also want to work on income tax reform.
Mastodon was the morphing phrase & zord of the original Black Ranger.
Probably lutefisk, fish cured in lye.