That’s great, you’re fortunate to live near so much great space, but you are also choosing to make the time to get out and see it. Any favorite spots?
i have castile soap, though the current bottle is peppermint scented. it helps in the sense that if i can still smell it i haven’t rinsed quite enough, though unscented would probably be better. for zippers wash, dry, then lubricate; i’ve seen everything recommended from high end stuff to candle wax and lip balm.
tbh outside of my clothes and groundsheet my gear hasn’t gotten that dirty, though i just washed my quilt after thousands of miles. i was nervous i would screw it up lol.
I just use an old kitchen scale we already had. For larger items that don’t fit neatly on the scale I throw them in a bowl or cardboard box, tare, then weigh.