Really interested in seeing how the curds in the second recipe turn out, they look pretty close from the pictures, saving it to come back to thanks!
Really interested in seeing how the curds in the second recipe turn out, they look pretty close from the pictures, saving it to come back to thanks!
I’ve been using powertools for this, has a lot more functionality than I use for GPU/CPU limits, but the charge rate limiting is nice to have as well.
Glad charge limiting is hitting the os though, assuming most people don’t go for 3rd party plugins
Was looking at Carney’s wiki page, he’s at least come out against income inequality in the past, viewed stuff like occupy as constructive, pro sustainable economy.
Hoping they all drop platforms if they haven’t already, LPC registration looks to be free, considering registering to vote in the leadership election (cut off is the 27th), not the party I align with (decidedly NDP), but they’re the ABC choice for a lot of people.
I thought that too when they started doing wooden condos in some areas of Canada, but it’s an engineered product (cross-laminated timber), not just plain wood. Apparently it’s super dense and chars instead of burning outright, some tests had them self extinguishing from this abstract (using a specific adhesive)
Edit: Found a full paper that might be interesting
Steel too, we produce a lot of specialty products used for automotive and construction, as well as a lot of tin plate used in food packaging and appliances. They produce material stateside of course but they do historically buy an awful lot from us.
When I worked in steel during the last tariffs, that company ended up eating them, with favourable exchange (see weak dollar) and tariffs jacking the spot prices they still managed record profits.
First off, on reading, yeah sorry. I meant no offense, was the headline on the article I chose and I said, it really bothers me how disengaged Canadians are from our political system to the detriment of us all.
To be pedantic, Arthur Meighen was a Tory PM appointed after Borden resigned, and again after the Byng-King affair. More recently, Kim Campbell was appointed after the resignation of Mulroney
I do agree with you wrt our system needing changing, I’m vehemently in favour of literally anything but fptp but prefer something like stv. Personally, I’d also be in favour of rescinding the mandatory election dates put in place in what, 2007-2008 and really would like to return to the per-vote subsidies (just get money out of politics period).
While I can get your intent in that you feel that the PM should have a mandate (again, arguably that mandate is fulfilled if they are capable of maintaining confidence of the house), Canadians are ignorant about our system of government (anecdotally, I know Canadians who consume more American news media and pay attention to their elections, but don’t do the same domestically, likely contributing) which is a problem (and a point of irritation for me).
Our system is fundamentally different than the presidential republic that the yanks have, you do not vote for the PM, you vote for your rep. The PM is the person with confidence of the house, which often is the plurality party leader, but there’s no requirement of this at all, there’s history of the PM not even being an MP in Canada, two of them were senators who took office after the PM died.
Your MP is your voice, tell them to vote non confidence if you truly feel that an election should be called, I feel fairly safe to say however that once parliament resumes we’re going to see that happen anyhow and the writ dropped shortly thereafter or the PM asking to GC to dissolve parliament.
How does that work wrt to abroad voting? Do you vote for the candidate in the last riding you resided in?
I’ve always felt a bit off about the current NDP leadership, overtly negative blamey messaging, conflating federal and provincial responsibilities. The party as of 2021 was keeping all of the campaign reimbursements instead of that going to the candidates. They seem to have no local presence, Tories and Liberals have door knocked and sent out information multiple times in the last year, I don’t even know who my federal NDP candidate is locally. Provincially, our NDP person is super active and actually responds to me when I contact them so it’s not just an NDP thing.
I really disliked that they supported bill s-210 that’s the age verification bill, historically the NDP seemed to be pro privacy, disappointed at that apparent departure.
It’s Lauren Southern to save a click
He’s an Economist who’s run the central bank of what, 3 countries? Makes sense to me if his entire focus was long term stability that he’d be anti inequality and climate change.
Really looking forward to everyone dropping platforms.
Edit: Carney has a book Value(s): Building a Better World for All, might be worth looking at, probably going to give good insight into his views.