
  • 15 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Hey signal is better than most of the mainstream bs. I use it myself and I’m confident that the messages themselves are secure. However, everything I said is 100% true.

    Since we cannot verify the software they run on the server is the software that is open source then we must assume it is not.

    We know for a majority of cases a phone number = a real identity. Signal implements sealed sender but since signal is a centralised point they can correlate the sealed sender extraordinarily easily. We must therefore assume signal knows when and who is communicating (We can verify they don’t know what is being said) this therefore means signal could theoretically have a full social graph of real identities for every singe user.

    This is of course after we remember signal received funding from BBG which is an organisation funded by the us government purely for the purpose of promoting american propaganda.

    Its not FUD its true. Signal can either adapt and prove themselves with more than a “trust me bro” or they can die. Just cos they are better than the alternatives does not mean we should not demand better.

  • Nobody is gonna do jack shit cos speed limits are almost entirely revenue raising.

    There is a road that used to be 100km/h it was all dodgy huge potholes u had to dodge etc. The government spent 6months making the road lovely and smooth making the corners nicer etc. They almost immediately after finishing changed the speed limit to 80km/h. I’m not saying this was explicitly revenue raising but they did have a speed camera sitting 200m past where the speed used to say 100km/h on the day they changed it.

    NSW had also changed the law so that mobile speed cameras no longer need to give u warning ur speed will be checked like static cameras.

    They also have 3rd party people managing speed cameras who get paid a COMMISSION.

    Our speed limits are a perfect example of out nanny state and corruption working hand in hand to undermine our liberty and take our hard earned money.