Chinese EVs are already being sold worldwide. We can either choose to “stand with” western auto manufacturers, or let free market do its thing. In this scenario it only makes sense to play both sides and offer people some economic relief.
Chinese EVs are already being sold worldwide. We can either choose to “stand with” western auto manufacturers, or let free market do its thing. In this scenario it only makes sense to play both sides and offer people some economic relief.
I dont think anyone is advocating for lowering auto safety standards to allow Chinese EVs on roads. Lets be realistic in acknowledging that Chinese made vehicles are already in use in many parts of the world and provide comparable security and privacy standards as their American counterparts (viz. None).
Deepfakes are about impersonating the person in the video, fake news is… Well, just someone lying. Signatures are meant to verify the source of information, not the contents of it.
Simple example, we can be nearly 100% confident that the person posting tweets under the Trump account is (atleast authorized by) Trump. Doesnt stop him from lying nor uploading a deepfake video.
Crazy take. You dont have agency to address real issues (money in politics, correctly taxing gains, lack of good leadership and social infrastructure) so lets lash out at other wage earners who have more in common with you.