NCC-21166 (she/her)

  • 1 Post
Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2025

  • It’s natural to be afraid of change, but I can tell you from someone in her 40’s, it’s never too late. Your family will love you for who you are, and your identity is something that YOU know. Life gets better when you can be yourself. Don’t do what I did and wait a decade to do something about it. There are people everywhere just like us and we help each other. There are professionals who can help you, and this path has been blazed by many before us. Stay on it, find yourself, and life gets so much better from there. Congratulations, sister!

  • I will add to the other excellent comments here: there are no perfect times. Waiting for everything to align just so will prevent everything from ever happening. Pick a goal and start it. Now. It seems like you took the first step, so congratulations! I’m not bitter about it, but I am an example of what happens when you wait for perfect alignment. You may wake up one day and say “why did I let the last decade go by in a fog instead of taking action” and regret missing some of your best years living as the real you. Don’t wait for any conditions, just improve the ones you have as you go.

  • I’m in NJ, but not the progressive part of it. I guess Philly would be my closest friendly place to find anyone, and I definitely hear you about the “going official” issues in the US right now. It’s one of the reasons I’m so frightened of telling the wrong people.

    I don’t know if I like the idea of DIY. I believe that it works, but I also know that I’m clumsy and forgetful enough to do something wrong. I also really need to talk to a therapist because I will definitely want my letters for surgery someday.

    Folkx or Galileo

    This is the first I’ve seen of either of these, so thank you! I’ll have a look!

  • This is fantastic advice, and I’m glad to know I’m not alone. It’s honestly been quite difficult and frightening to try navigating this. I also feel like I was putting too much weight on my spouse to help me and that’s not fair to them.

    I realize I have to tell my PCP eventually. My last one I’d have told in a heartbeat, but the good ones get promoted out of my area because the backwoods aren’t a priority. The new one is quite clinical and has his degree from a highly conservative/evangelical area and frankly scares me. I’ll be looking anyway, I guess.

    My “local” communities are all a little over an hour from me, from what I can tell. I’ll try to find a way to get in touch with some of them in the meantime.

    Thank you very much for sharing!