Here’s my list, included snippets of their own youtube descriptions.
Angela Collier theoretical physicist.
Andrew Millison is a permaculture teacher and practitioner.
Climate Town Rollie Williams and a ragtag team of climate communicators, creatives and comedians are here to examine climate change in a way that doesn’t make you want to eat a cyanide pill. Get informed about the climate crisis before the weather does it for you.
Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t A Low-Brow, Crass Approach to Plant Ecology & Evolution as muttered by a Misanthropic Chicago Italian. We study plants through the lens of ecology and evolution, rather than what supposed anthropocentric uses they can provide (as if holding up the biosphere wasn’t enough).
Dr Fatima i went to grad school and all i got was this lousy understanding of systemic problems in science.
Meditations for the anxious mind
Noah Daniel interior & spatial design
Stewart Hicks Takes on Buildings and Cities.
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