I mean presumably they wrote it down when they wrote the script
I mean presumably they wrote it down when they wrote the script
And were promptly beaten viciously right? That’s what happened?
I mean those personal stores on Reddit are all made up
Ugh, these performative morons. I swear to God. They don’t even give a shit. It’s all show to them. They’re going to get their ass kicked again in 2026 I guarantee it. If elections are even allowed going forward the Democrats are going to be slaughtered continuously. They just don’t fucking get it.
Right so calling the guy who endorses and promotes Nazis on his website, who reuses Nazi rhetoric and who uses Nazis symbols on camera is reckless?
Two Mass murdering Nazis and the Boston Bomber. I’m not really for the death penalty either, I am however for hanging Nazis. So you know win some lose some
Seriously, 6% is overwhelming now?
Really went on a limb on that one didn’t you?
Is it just me or does that dude have super big hands?
Maybe you shouldn’t be doing that. Maybe your birthday is not so special that you should use it when it’s a well and widely known symbol of Nazism. Frankly it’s a little hard for me to buy these days.
You say it doesn’t match that other users opinion, but doesn’t it not match the vast majority of proton users opinions? Authoritarians aren’t usually big on personal privacy. So praising one when you run a company based upon privacy is a dumb idea. It would be like running a vegan food company and praising people who like Slaughter cattle. It’s a stupid fucking mindset. Which says a lot of things to me about his capacity as a CEO frankly. If he’s this dumb why should people trust them to run a business they frequent?
Total post doesn’t really tell us much. Of course there’s going to be more posts over time. Hell there are Bots that post things. That number is going to go up as long as the servers exist. There could be no human users on here and those are going to go up.
I mean, yeah that’s not inaccurate.
You know this last couple years it’s really started to sink in that we really are going to destroy ourselves as a species. Like not as a joke or a dark humor, but literally we will cause ourselves to go extinct. Relatively soon . For no fucking reason other than capitalism.
Hell I’m okay with that. I don’t play with any of you people anyway
The fact that you didn’t apparently notice there was a new Dragon Age released since Inquisition kind of proves the overall point doesn’t it?