Fuck it, we ball
Fuck it, we ball
I feel attacked
av’ ardy passed*
Simple as
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He’s obviously making a noncredible joke and that’s exactly the content that belongs here.
Holy fucking based
D E M O C R A C Y I S N O N - N E G O T I A B L E
I’m ready to join the war effort
We made it! Mom get the camera!
The unsung heroes of logistics
If New Zealand was real, it would be on the map.
Future NCDer right there
User has been baguetted for this comment 🥖😵💫
Head of Russia’s nuclear, biological, and chemical forces was killed by a bomb hidden in a nearby scooter
I thought the 4 hour presentation was pretty clear on the many reasons we should be mobilizing femboy assets within theater.