(“Doomscroll explores online culture and politics in the 21st century.”) (thoughtful one-on-one interviews with people that are active in youth culture, including people related to Chapo Trap House) (a person who runs a Rust gaming channel talks with their friends about various things) and will likely have documentation that is updated within a day of any relevant news being available
This seems to be expressing a similar sentiment:
The Constitution of the Italian Republic and The Constitution Of The Republic of Poland have been interesting to read. Reading about the ways the Knesset and Parliament of the United Kingdom and the Riksdag work has also been interesting. I’m sure the constitution of Germany is interesting too, but it uses a structure that is less similar to the others I’ve researched recently (elected representatives of the states are involved in choosing federal representatives, whereas in other places local representatives have much less influence on country-wide elections).
It’s also interesting to see who is the commander in chief of the armed forces:
In general, I find it hard to design fundamental social institutions (constitutions), but I expect that someone will find a way to improve those that we already have.
In particular, I would not have come up with the Constitution of the Italian Republic if I was working in isolation, but I haven’t noticed any major flaws with it (at least for periods of peace: the election of the president requires participation from every region, so if one was occupied by a foreign power such that it could not participate in an election it might be impossible to elect a president). One thought I had is that it might be good to limit the president’s ability to dissolve parliament, like limiting that power to cases where the parliament has had a significant amount of time to produce a budget but hasn’t actually done so (as is the situation for Poland), to avoid situations where the president says they dissolved the parliament but the parliament says they impeached the president before being dissolved.
Some similarities I’ve found
Of the states I referred to, there are some interesting similarities I’ve noticed.