I think because it is clearly the platform with the most useful content hosted on there. People complain about YouTube, but I think it and Wikipedia stand as the most valuable websites on the net for me.
I think because it is clearly the platform with the most useful content hosted on there. People complain about YouTube, but I think it and Wikipedia stand as the most valuable websites on the net for me.
Lol at 20 million. That’s like me paying 20 dollars
Great, it doesn’t make sense not to have cloud gaming integrated easily(i.e. no translation later needed, as it’s running on a server) Especially if you already have the games in your library.
Just to add to the noise… I’m shocked that Obsidian is not the number one app that people are talking about. Didn’t even know there were so many other great options, to be honest.
Edit: it’s because it’s not open source. The plugins all have to be open source, and it is free as in beer. I’m keeping this comment up.
I thought that was pretty weird. The camera pan range should be double to triple what they are.