We doin wall sized screens now? No monitor that would fit on my desk needs 8k. I swear you gotta take a microscope to 4k to see the pixels.
Edit: can’t we just do VR instead of building bigger screens? Seems cheaper.
We doin wall sized screens now? No monitor that would fit on my desk needs 8k. I swear you gotta take a microscope to 4k to see the pixels.
Edit: can’t we just do VR instead of building bigger screens? Seems cheaper.
I can’t really tell if they are inside or on top of the sand grains. The sand is from a reservoir near me, so all the little guys are in water. Water apparently feels more viscous the smaller you are.
Just the dirt and water near me. Lots of fellas in there. You can check out some of my previous posts I’ve posted some videos.
My newest video uses the new camera.
I got a new camera for my microscope!!! More detail on all the little fellas.
What would make you happy?
This would change everything.
I’ve never looked that close, but now that I have I’m on your side.
I use Ardour on Linux. Everything works pretty great for me. I use the LSP plugins which provide all the basic for free like eq and compression. Then I use Airwindows plugins for all the fun distortion is reverb and color. If ya need a free soft synth I’d use surgeXT it’s all ya need.
I mainly record Audio in from synthesizers and real instruments. I also accepted that none of my old windows VTSs would easily work on Linux, so I didn’t try to port them. Though I hear folks have had some success with running them in a comparability layer. I moved from Ableton on Windows to Ardour on Fedora Linux.
All is free, though I personally paid for Ardour cause I like to support projects I use. And $40 is still the cheapest daw around.
Thank you!!
Thanks its all improvised! I tried to watch the little fellas and score them on the fly. I want it to feel like a cozy Sunday of music and digging in the mud for science.
Oooooo I’d not heard of him before. I hear it. Really my favorite sound is that high pitched flicky electric piano.
My cool video
Not OP, but personally I think diverse discussion is some of the more important work a person can participate in.
There is too much potential energy in our networks when we don’t understand each other, and I support a calm controlled release of that energy. I am scared of how people will leverage that energy at the expense of many.
So I want to exist in a place of diverse thoughts so I can help the world calmy understand itself.