Hard? I’d say impossible. To map the position of a certain WiFi network, a physical position is needed, if not with GPS, the only alternative that I see is to insert the address by hand.
Hard? I’d say impossible. To map the position of a certain WiFi network, a physical position is needed, if not with GPS, the only alternative that I see is to insert the address by hand.
The first file is seeding and the second one is downloading at…24Kbps. You should add them to all the possible indexers (I’ve no idea how, sorry).
Ops. However a small TL;DR would be useful instead of just copying/pasting links.
Very thorough explanation!
I’ll add a basic info for @TheTwelveYearOld@lemmy.world: every service MUST have a different password (password manager almost mandatory with a VERY strong password and 2FA).
If you’re paranoid like me ( 🙈 ) use a different email alias for each service (SimpleLogin)
It would be nice to read the basic points of your statement, then if someone wants to go in detail, there’s the link to your article.
I think that there’s been a misunderstanding: the OP said that he has no GPS on the device, so I guessed that he wanted to map the WiFi networks, so my comment.