All centrists are basically leftists.
All centrists are basically leftists.
Why are humans the worst? Most animals have hierarchy. It’s the most natural thing. Why are you trying to escape it?
Society is still addicted to hierarchy
You make it sound like its gonna change somehow.
Ouch, that hurts. Fuck you.
I feel more empathy for my friends and family than for hobos. I bet most people do. So if I have spare funds to help others, I’d rather support people close to me. To support homeless ppl instead is a psychopathic behavior.
they need it more?
And why do they take precedence over people close to you?
hobos are humans?
They are, but being human doesn’t entitle you to anything.
We would probably be fine if people who wanted to work just kept working
And what if we wouldn’t? Is there a statistics on how many people work just for the sake of work?
But even if not, you could still offer money
Not a lot of money, bc taxes are gonna be hella high to sustain universal income.
because it’s no longer a question of labor or suffer
Yeah, it’s a question of labor or just chilling. Who tf is gonna choose labor? Seems like your ideal society’s gonna be supported by useful idiots.
Hmm, ok. Let’s say you can afford to spend some of your wealth to help others. Why tf should you spend it on fucking hobos? Isn’t it more reasonable to help your friends and family?
Ah, so it’s not that people should willingly give up their belongings. It’s that people with guns don’t forcefully seize their belongings from them.
How do you give up a house without loosing too much? Are you a billionaire or something?
In this context, successful - wealthy enough to own a house, or maybe a few.
You’re scum. You’re the one who wants take property of common successful people and give it to some hobo drug addicts. I have the moral high ground here.
You should be explaining why we should be giving homes to the homeless. I don’t need a justification for doing nothing. If I wanted to go out of my way and give my stuff to other people, then I’d need to find a justification. Not the other way around.
That problem would quickly be solved if humanity had to.
…and if humanity existed
Yeah sure, it’s much more easy to colonize Mars than to do something about the Earth.
Nooo, how could that be. It’s the fault of the successful wealthy people who refuse to share their stuff for free with complete strangers.
The scarcity is artificial.
Artificial in a way that people don’t want to give their houses for free to a complete strangers?
Yeah, scarcity is created artificially by people who don’t want to give their stuff for free to complete strangers.
Exactly. Why tf should we do it? They die of starvation or something?
No, the right just stop giving free food to people and the ones that starve are undeserving.