I still hope to get bottom surgery, once I feel emotionally ready to endure it and the care that comes with it. Too depressed at the moment.
Orchiectomy helped much more than I was expecting. I basically wanted it for practical reasons, like not having to take Spiro anymore and being assured that even if I lose HRT access my body won’t re-masculinize, but once I got it I was amazed at how much more human I felt.
Sounds like vagionplasty could be a bit like that.
Your post gets at an issue I’m still coming to grips with, namely political consciousness. Owing to upbringing or temperament or whatever, historically I’ve skewed quite conservative. I could see myself someday becoming a Caitlyn Jenner-style trans woman, and I’m slightly horrified at the prospect.
All I expect out of politicians is to be left the f*ck alone, but both parties seem to fail in this regard. Republicans would like to legislate us out of existence, while Democrats are glad to use us as political props.
Basically I hope to disentangle my trans-ness from politics. They say “the personal is political,” but I don’t believe it.