This is the mander account for
mod of…
Fuch yeah! That is amazing!
So many possibilities… Something frilly or sleak? Maybe neon/pearlescent? Spots, stripes? An Aeolid with a garnish of cerata, or a Dorid with a branchial plume? And don’t forget a pair of magnificent rhinophores and optional Emperor shrimp jockey!
Holy shit I’m really excited for you! And I’m not the one making the costume or going to the party!
In fact as an autistic person I’d just spend hours of fun making a costume, and then not go to the party… just wear it at home
You’ll have to post your outfit when it’s done 😀
Aww thank you!
I’m glad you enjoyed it… I worked quite long and hard on it, trying to find tricks that were suitable and hopefully a bit different, as well as some beautiful treats scattered in the minefield 😀