Monero is an amazing project with an actual use case, why associate it with a scam or a useless trash at best. The possibility of tarnishing XMR’s and community’s reputation far outweigh any benefit it may bring. We don’t need another shitcoin to develop a frontend for EVM atomic swaps, if you are serious about it and need funding make a CCS proposal. We also don’t need moonbois taking interest in XMR just to turn it into another vehicle to grow their fiat bags, destabilizing our price in the process. Price stability is essential to monero’s success as as digital cash. Small price osculation, steady growth, no growth (or even steady decline as long as it’s predictable, just look at fiat) is preferable to violent price movements which force everyone who wants to use monero as money to become a speculator as well.
Monero is an amazing project with an actual use case, why associate it with a scam or a useless trash at best. The possibility of tarnishing XMR’s and community’s reputation far outweigh any benefit it may bring. We don’t need another shitcoin to develop a frontend for EVM atomic swaps, if you are serious about it and need funding make a CCS proposal. We also don’t need moonbois taking interest in XMR just to turn it into another vehicle to grow their fiat bags, destabilizing our price in the process. Price stability is essential to monero’s success as as digital cash. Small price osculation, steady growth, no growth (or even steady decline as long as it’s predictable, just look at fiat) is preferable to violent price movements which force everyone who wants to use monero as money to become a speculator as well.