Just need a buffing wheel!
Right but if the low intensity ones are repressed that leads to higher intensity ones plus climate change exacerbates the situation making former low intensity ones higher intensity due to increased drying and erosion cycles. Makes the most sense not to allow development imo.
Climate change is certainly exacerbating the situation but from what I’ve read these areas are also historically acclimated to burning https://www.coastal.ca.gov/fire/ucsbfire.html
We do need to acknowledge that certain climates like historical fire zones and the swamps of south florida were never well fit environments for development. We need strategies for moving people out of those areas rather than dumping money into trying to artificially make them fit our preferences.
Maybe to stock people since they panic at everything but it’s way up overall
What was made more efficiently? The chip? The energy needs of the AI model?
Yes I agree! Nihilism lets you dictate the terms so dealers choice how you decide to create meaning.
Also agree that pessimism is probably the more immediate opposite but I kinda like negativism because it feels like it carries a little more agency for some reason.
I like that. Building community spontaneously builds coalitions because people naturally become mutually invested in protecting eachother and pool their various skills to do so.
Yeah I’d say so with their shoot first vibe, also think some true crime fans I know fit in the category of ‘radical negativism’ (haha I’m going to try to normalize your term).
The only answer is radical optimism: trust that things can turn out better than the facts say they should.
Any moderate/rational takes on reality predict only failure so we have to lean into radical optimism on the off chance that we can pull off a miracle with enough determination and work.
At the very least don’t squish someone else’s radical optimism!
This is one reason I refuse to carry pepper spray despite it being a reasonable response to the realities in my area. To do so is to treat each stranger as a potential threat and I refuse to live like that (this isn’t advice don’t put away your pepper spray! Just an irrational choice I’ve knowingly made so I can squash reality into the kind world I think is worth living in).
That’s a great idea! I’ve been in the position where I had to source asthma inhaler cartridges online for a friend. A guide to doing so safely would have been really helpful, especially for drugs that might garner less sympathy than asthma inhalers to potential judges/jurys.
Hope it helps someone and that others will chime in to improve it!
lol they did say they need a consultant, maybe you would qualify just based off relative knowledge
I made a donation the other day l, carefully unchecked the newsletter box, and immediately got a newsletter in my inbox (a donation confirmation would have been fine).
Whatever, easy to manage, but come on!
That bit about the dumped bodies unaffiliated with the party sounds super sketchy.
As a general rule I think it’s best to take ideas on their own internal merit without attaching yourself too strongly to particular figures. People are fickle but a well founded idea can transcend its author.
That doesn’t mean you should esteem someone for having one good thought or withhold your contempt of their general character though.
Has to be a mad parent and a driveway hoop
This makes me both sad and happy (to know there’s a working solution right nextdoor where wildfires are also an issue).