Siiick. Its 2025, we need more LEDs in casual clothing
Hey, thanks for reading my bio. You know, you’re pretty cool. I’m glad we got to share this moment together.
Siiick. Its 2025, we need more LEDs in casual clothing
I think we are going to completely abstract from traditional ethics, entertainment, and communication, aside from a few niche communities akin to a 21st century Amish.
Can’t wait to try these out in 7 years when all the datacener refurbs hit the second hand market
Ahhhhh fuck. We just got an HPE storage array. Pretty sure they have remote access into the device for support purposes.
Only ever done this in an empty parking lot after a few inches of fresh snow
AFAIK, VM gaming is still a pain in the ass. You need to jump through a lot of hoops for any kind of GPU passthrough.
Huh. I never even considered the possibility of putting SteamOS on a laptop/desktop… I have a spare engineering laptop sitting around, might try it.
That wouldn’t even fucking work, lol. You need, at minimum, a proof of address, and even if you spoofed 10 different names and addresses that each corresponded to 10 specific precincts, you’re going to be given a provisional ballot, in which case your vote doesn’t even get counted until it has been independently researched and verified by county workers, which if it succeeds, won’t get counted till a week later.
God. I fucking hate that these idiots have a non-zero chance of winning.
Fly-by-wire FPV drones. Wild.