Seems like I have an affected device. No thanks to google for helping me figure that out. Their useless page shows no information regarding that. Had to look at the serial number of the battery: sudocat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/serial_number. Which contains the string from the mastodon post.
Now, I have a custom ROM, so that means I won’t suffer degraded battery capacity, it just might be dangerous to continue to use my phone.
Seems like I have an affected device. No thanks to google for helping me figure that out. Their useless page shows no information regarding that. Had to look at the serial number of the battery:
sudo cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/serial_number
. Which contains the string from the mastodon post.Now, I have a custom ROM, so that means I won’t suffer degraded battery capacity, it just might be dangerous to continue to use my phone.