.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
Metadata that’s a holdover from the 1980s MacOS behavior. Hilariously, today, NTFS supports that metadata better than Apple’s own filesystems of today. They can hide it in Alternate Data Streams.
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Helps a bit.
Almost like yet again the tech industry is run by lemming CEOs chasing the latest moss to eat.
It helps to be a little bit stubborn, but mostly, remind yourself it’s just software at the end of the day too. So many devs are judgy and think there is only one “good” way to solve a problem, which ends up creating a sort of tunnel vision. As soon as you let that go and just know that every problem could have any solution, especially the unexpected, you see your way through faster.
It doesn’t matter if the way it was working is “right” or not, it was working, for reasons, so fixing it, is just teasing out those reasons. Be it from humans that may still be around, but most of the time, by feeling the code out.
I even see the struggle externally from afar when companies I used to work at release a new feature that touches very legacy code and, time and again, the new feature is buggy AF. The new dev likely had no idea what the old dev was thinking or why, and thusly, breakage. Neither of them is right or wrong, the solution from the past likely was obscure due to constraints that no longer exist, the new solution can be done easier due to a plethora of libraries that now exist, and getting newEasy to jive with oldBespoke trips the new dev up as they unravel what looks like pure chaos.
One of many terrible things you can read on that terrible sub-human.
Ooh, both good choices. So tough to choose.
Alternate title: The Cesspool of America.
Works so well, and soothes the warning annoyance brain, and keeps warnings from eventually becoming errors.
Here’s the thing. CFCs were used until the manufacturers could patent the next harmful chemical to keep the profits. The replacements are also bad, it turns out. Just like how all that “BPA plastic” hubub ended up with “BPA-free plastic” that was literally just another synthetic estrogen. Same problem, but it isn’t BPA so people thought the problem was solved.
Now they’re shooting for:
Reality is, the trope with old cooling machines being so much better than newer ones is that they didn’t care about “efficiency” when designing them and the machines just ground their compressors to death getting the job done.
New AC units use modulated power to the motors, multiple cooling stages, and other “efficiency” features to make them more energy-efficient, start more gently, and run “better” on paper (although the added complexity, as statistical analysis will show, also adds to more reasons for the machines to fail.)
I actually recently begrudgingly went from a 20 year old “last of the CFCs” type AC unit to a modern one using one of the newer-but-eventually-will-be-banned refrigerants. Didn’t want to give it up, for the trope. When all said and done, I went from a 12F degree temp differential across the old unit to 24F on the new unit. (Input temp drops by X degrees on output.)
And the CFCs were safely bottled up from the system when replaced (although they likely made a hefty profit on the stuff since it is banned but can be reused in the US.)
Enter through the soffit vent of the attic, a vent that can’t be closed on the outside of the house. Land in the cellulose insulation, which is ostensibly shredded magazines.
Goodbye, house.
Now if only Docker could solve the “hey I’m caching a layer that I think didn’t change” (Narrator: it did) problem, that even setting the “don’t fucking cache” flag doesn’t always work. So many debug issues come up when devs don’t realize this and they’re like, “but I changed the file, and the change doesn’t work!”
docker system prune -a
and beat that SSD into submission until it dies, alas.
https://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-disable-windows-thumbs-db-files-from-being-created this kills that.