Yep, our local fair literally calls it time travellers’ weekend, which turns it into a kind of ‘anything goes’ weekend functionally. Honestly, one of the best weekends of the year because there are a ton of people having a blast.
Yep, our local fair literally calls it time travellers’ weekend, which turns it into a kind of ‘anything goes’ weekend functionally. Honestly, one of the best weekends of the year because there are a ton of people having a blast.
If you’re a gulf coaster I suppose you can be forgiven for not knowing that the density of snow can vary wildly, as well as not knowing how depth is measured. Snow as measured when falling is only measured an inch at a time because snow compacts as it piles up. So your 5.5 inch bottle may well contain more snow than fell, depth-wise.
Snow can also be so heavy and wet that it barely differs from liquid water in density. Your test is sometimes done as a high school science lab here and the average we get is closer to 3 in snow: 1 inch rain.
Posts like this are what give Trump credibility among the people who want to believe. You’re validating his complaints about persecution and fake news by stretching the truth well beyond breaking. Even in his typically incoherent state it’s clear enough that he’s talking about his opposition in 2020.
And worse, you’re doing it for no reason. The guy does more than enough damnable, vile shit without needing any of this. Stop it.
he’s listening old music
2006 - 07
I guess this is how my dad felt the first time he heard REO Speedwagon on the oldies station.
For some time, there has been a forecast that The Great Salt Lake, once one of the largest inland salt lakes in the world.
I reckon, given the extent of voluntary submission to constant surveilance from corporations and the continued march deeper into oligarchy, that it’s only a matter of time until platforms that aren’t explicitly anti-privacy are going to be reframed as extremist and dangerous as a part of the global political conversation. Perhaps this will end up being the leading edge of that.