There’s actually a hack to make sync automatic, I’ve been using it and it works perfectly
There’s actually a hack to make sync automatic, I’ve been using it and it works perfectly
Does Windows not run the originals anymore? My original copy of the Sims 2 works perfectly fine in Wine so it’s not like it depends on some weird online service or something
I bought one last summer and the only problems I’ve had were some display issues which were solved by adding kernel parameters to disable all of the amdgpu power management (which as far as I can tell doesn’t even increase power usage noticeably). Other than that it has been basically perfect and way better than any other laptop I’ve had. I wish it had real suspend, but that’s just not possible on modern CPUs so that’s not Framework’s fault
I mean yeah but you don’t need an expensive computer to play games. In the mid 2010s I spent loads of time playing games on my ~$200 something Asus netbook, and more recently I was using an old Dell Precision from 2011 I got for $25 and put a $75 GPU into from like 2018 until 2023.
I guess maybe the difference is that people who don’t buy expensive consoles or computers also don’t buy expensive games. For the most part I don’t buy things unless they have a sale for like under $30, so even though I’ve bought a lot of games I’ve probably paid less total money for games than the average console player.
Huh, I’m kind of surprised that’s a new thing. I would assume way more people own computers than consoles in modern times so you would think that would always mean more sales
Huh, chatgpt seems to do this for all games
I mean yeah but why would anyone want to pay more for a new digital copy of a game instead of just buying a used physical copy? I mean I guess maybe if you didn’t have an optical drive, but I bet a usb optical drive and an original copy would be cheaper than the new digital version