Thank you, the subshell idea is a good one!
Runterwählen ist kein Gegenargument.
[Verifying my cryptographic key: openpgp4fpr:941D456ED3A38A3B1DBEAB2BC8A2CCD4F1AE5C21]
Thank you, the subshell idea is a good one!
Ah, I could probably use Perl or something as well. I was hoping awk
could do it though. But thank you, I hadn’t heard about pyp
You wouldn’t be able to split up expressions like this
Ah, that already answers my original question. A pity!
Sure, but that’s inside a string:
$ printf "This is a # let's break \
> long line."
This is a # let's break long line.
remains unimpressed:
$ echo "This is a test.
> It has three lines, so I can
> test awk on it." | awk '
> NR>2 # Skip two lines. \
> { print $2 } # should only print "awk"
> '
test awk on it.
Wouldn’t the backslash be a part of the comment?
-No spying
depending on the distro
-No ads
depending on the distro
-Can uninstall anything you don’t want
How can you uninstall systemd
Double Commander is a multi-platform clone of Total Commander. You couldn’t even see the difference after some configuration.
LOL, Model M. Fucking newbies.
Typed on my Model F.
I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows.
Maybe a tiling (or optionally-tiling) window manager would be a good choice then? No elements! :)
Or try Slackware -CURRENT. Not Debian-based, but quality control is awesome. There even is an apt
simulator for it.
Wow. Honestly, thank you! I had entirely forgot that this wiki even exists. I’ve bookmarked your reply. :-)