The beauty of an OSB bookshelf is that you definitely won’t have to live with it for the rest of your life.
The beauty of an OSB bookshelf is that you definitely won’t have to live with it for the rest of your life.
Or maybe you wanna get real crazy…
This thing was designed in the waning days of DOS. They probably thought the same thing.
For bookcases in particular, the weakness of OSB is going to be a problem when loaded. Its rough surface could also play havoc with the bottoms of books. OSB is not really intended to be a project for cabinetry or furniture, so its qualities are not optimized for those uses. I suspect your carpenter there was overstating things, but I won’t fault a professional for not wanting to use it.
Size-wise, I might recommend the next step up for either material, 18mm I think, for both sides and shelves. For the back, go the other way. 9mm is overkill for the back, and even 6mm is probably more than strictly necessary. 3mm will be more than fine, as the back is there for aesthetics, to keep the books in, and for avoiding racking (big concern on a bookcase). It will relay on the strength of the carcase and the nails/screws/glue holding it, and doesn’t need as much intrinsic strength.
The video of a trash can in Orlando that my kid took when she was three is a better movie than Rebel Moon.
Section 31 was better than either, though it was an underwhelming mess of throwaway nonsense.
The script also features dialogue that was true to the time period and has translations and annotations for those uninitiated in Old English.
Brea, bûter en griene tsiis is goed Ingelsk en goed Frysk.
Did you, though?
I mean, it’s pretty fuckin’ bad, but that being said it’s basically a 2-part pilot for a show that will never be made, which helps sand down a few of the roughest edges in my estimation. It’s not completely unwatchable and has a few mildly interesting ideas and designs.