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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 month ago

    “Hypno Fetish” had its own space on a bingo card over on /r/Traaaaannns2, so it can’t be that uncommon. Does anyone share this curiosity?

    I have had this fetish since before coming out, but as an hipnotist. I don’t really like the idea of being sexually hypnotized, and my transition feels too “sacred” for me to like feminization/sissy content in general. I don’t even like it with other people honestly, it feels like the most boring kind of hypnosis to me.

    Do people engage with erotic hypnosis in a responsible manner? The rational part of my brain says that’s impossible: it’s like inviting someone to “root” your “flesh robot,” for a combination of money and their own entertainment. Feels like asking to be taken advantage of.

    At the end of the day it’s a lot about trust and informed consent. It’s fundamentally not that different from let’s say, if I’m a rigger. Me and my sub should have mechanisms to maintain consent, and they should trust that I will untie them if consent is removed.

    inb4 “they can’t get you to do anything you don’t want to”

    Oftentimes the point (at least for less scrupulous hypnotists) is to expand the limits of “consent.” Also, when you’re sufficiently horny you’ll do almost anything.

    That’s why people have tags and similar stuff. That enters in con non con territory and some people are into it. Others are not and should be able to stay clear from it.