Half-assed sex scenes (no pun intended) are probably worse than ones that are well done.
I still think a lot about one of the beats in a DA:I romance. But like… all the ones from DA:O were kind of bad. But also the one I played in DA:V was so PG-13 and sterile it wasn’t any fun at all.
I’ll admit my fondness was more about her character being interesting and I don’t remember much of the mechanical aspects of the way the game handled relationships.
To be fair, the DLC that added the absurd +50 approval gifts was an optional download released on April 1st. The gifts system as shipped by the vanilla game was not too bad, and was not enough to make a companion swoon over you single-handedly. At least I don’t think so. That being said, I can’t pretend DA:O is the height of dating sims or anything, either.
Half-assed sex scenes (no pun intended) are probably worse than ones that are well done.
I still think a lot about one of the beats in a DA:I romance. But like… all the ones from DA:O were kind of bad. But also the one I played in DA:V was so PG-13 and sterile it wasn’t any fun at all.
You underestimate the power of my crush on Morrigan.
I think that you can just give them gifts until they’re horny for you is like the quintessential example of poorly done video game romance.
I’ll admit my fondness was more about her character being interesting and I don’t remember much of the mechanical aspects of the way the game handled relationships.
To be fair, the DLC that added the absurd +50 approval gifts was an optional download released on April 1st. The gifts system as shipped by the vanilla game was not too bad, and was not enough to make a companion swoon over you single-handedly. At least I don’t think so. That being said, I can’t pretend DA:O is the height of dating sims or anything, either.
Wait isn’t that basically how it works in Stardew Valley too?