Do you have naked or intimate photos of your partner?
And I don’ mean in your phone or in a disk or SD card. I’m talking about old scholl prints.
I have one picture of my partner I was allowed to take - being camera shy makes things harder - that I later had printed.
It’s not raunchy, it’s not provocative, it’s not even a sexy picture. It’s just my partner allowing me to see and record for posterity a private moment. A moment of ours.
I keep that picture in a book and, being an erotica fan, it’s one of those books. I use that picture as a marker, so all my readings start and end with a look at the person I love.
How about you? What’s your naughty private story?
Yes, I remember the thrill of dropping the film off at the 1 hr photo place. The Mrs did not find it amusing when I would ask her to stop and pick up our photos on the way home from work to find they were nudes. She knew we were getting them developed but she did not want to be the one they guy was smirking at when giving them to her.