I thought tolls were supposed to pay for road repair. Cali simply cannot resist finding any way to extract money out of you. Shortly after the road use tax I am sure they will find a way to tax gas again
I thought tolls were supposed to pay for road repair. Cali simply cannot resist finding any way to extract money out of you. Shortly after the road use tax I am sure they will find a way to tax gas again
We have done FMF , MFM, FMF was a blast to try and have the experience but in reality at some point one or the other is getting left out at points like a third wheel. MFM is more inclusive since as someone else said there is a lot more things a woman can switch with 2 men.
Yes, I remember the thrill of dropping the film off at the 1 hr photo place. The Mrs did not find it amusing when I would ask her to stop and pick up our photos on the way home from work to find they were nudes. She knew we were getting them developed but she did not want to be the one they guy was smirking at when giving them to her.
This I did not know. I learned my something new today. I can’t move 100 ft without hitting a toll in Florida lol.