I’ve rooted my android phone many years ago. Back then that was a different phone than I have now, and I was still using Windows.
I’m now trying to find a way to root my current phone (Motorola g62 5G), and have no idea how to do it through Linux. However, I seem to only be able to find instructions that are specific to windows.
How would I go about doing this on Linux (specifically Ubuntu)?
Thanks to a number of answers on here I’ve managed to find my way and rooted my phone. Thanks again, guys!
What exactly are you hoping to achieve by rooting your phone btw?
From what I know rooting used to make sense back in the 2015’s when the Android market used to be littered with shitty OEM OS’s filled to the brim with bloatware, ads and restricted functionality. Rooting or installing custom ROMs used to give a very tangible boost to performance in those times. But nowadays most OEMs (except the ultra-cheap Chinese ones) have settled down to a uniform stock-Android-like design with minor design tweaks, and hardware has also improved to the level that it’s extremely rare to notice comparable lags. I know Motorola is one of those who prefer to keep their UI as close to stock Android as possible.
For extended phone lifespan, useful for thirdworld countries when OEMs stopped shipping updates to older models. Rooting/Unlocking can give you option to stay in stock and install security updates yourself or installing custom roms like Lineage OS. I use Samsung S9 which it doesn’t recieve updates anymore but I like keeping it so I rooted it to keep up with modern standards.
How do you keep up to date? LineageOS just stopped updating S9 in December
I build it myself from the source, it sucks but some things are meant to go…
Googal shits.
Also stock android isn’t the best android. And proprietary stock android is so bloated even if it is not chineese
yeah, its not about usability its about the preinstalled FAANG
also don’t judge not all people can buy pixels or oneplus (even if they had the money) so they have to buy whats available to them (price or brand)
My phone still comes preinstalled with a bunch of crap and I want it gone. Like I’m never going to use Google Games, I’m never going to use LinkdIn, I’m never going to use YouTube Music, or Opera Web Browser. None of these apps I can remove without root.
You can disable apps using adb.
I personally use AppManager (FOSS). In the settings, change the working mode to Wireless ADB. The app should give you the instructions but you can also ask here. Then from the app list you should be able to disable any app you want. The app even tells you which apps are bloatware.
But if you want, you can use adb on Linux too. Download adb and then from terminal run the commands as explained here: https://www.xda-developers.com/disable-system-app-bloatware-android/
You might be able to by connecting it to a pc and using console commands. I was able to do it with a cheap onn tv box.
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