The classic Fighting Fantasy solo adventure books have returned in a new edition now live on Kickstarter:

In 2024, Steve Jackson Games announced an historic publishing collaboration with Games Workshop co-founders and Fighting Fantasy co-creators Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson to bring Fighting Fantasy back to the United States. Now the first five books in this classic series are available via a Kickstarter campaign that gives fans early access to these exciting solo game books.

Fighting Fantasy is a series of adventures in which players create a character and take part in an epic adventure. Along the way, their decisions – and dice rolls – will determine the outcome of the story. The Fighting Fantasy Kickstarter campaign includes the following titles:

  • The Warlock of Firetop Mountain by Steve Jackson (UK) and Ian Livingstone
  • Deathtrap Dungeon by Ian Livingstone
  • City of Thieves by Ian Livingstone
  • The Citadel of Chaos by Steve Jackson (UK)
  • The Forest of Doom by Ian Livingstone

Pledge levels include a $15 option for The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and a $60 option for all five books in the set. A retailer pledge level is also available. Stretch goals will be announced at a later date.

All five titles will be available in stores in the summer of 2025. An additional five volumes are slated for release in fall.