A brazen attempt by Minnesota Republicans to hijack the state House of Representatives collapsed earlier this month under the weight of its own illegality.
This is the kind of thing needed at the federal level, a unified opposition to the MAGA bullshit instead of this stupid griping that the Dems don’t do anything.
This is the kind of thing needed at the federal level, a unified opposition to the MAGA bullshit instead of this stupid griping that the Dems don’t do anything.
That’s hardly fair. The Dems did plenty to bring us to where we are today. They just didn’t do anything to stop it.
Okay, but how many federal judges were appointed by Trump?
Where there is no enforcement, there is no law.
Exactly. They need to stop treating these “lawmakers” as coworkers they sometimes disagree with but want to co-author a bill with later.
When they commit felonies, perjury, discrimination, treason, make threats… They need to be tried just like anyone not in Congress would be.
As long as the Dems in control DON’T do this, they’re not only complicit, but they’re enabling worse behavior in the future.