It’s the compromise for the vulnerable that most often gets brought up in this situation. A protest vote in a broken first-past-the-post election system generally helps the opposition to your vote. Republicans have demonstrated they hate the vulnerable (disabled, poor, debt-ridden) and Democrats are weak in their opposition, but if you want the help those that are vulnerable you would generally not want to subject them to Republicans, whom benefit from your protest vote.
Another argument is that if you fracture the opposition to bootlickers, the bootlickers will win.
I am sorry, but as a black man, I am supposed to be your sacrificial lamb and your fucking compromise for you for what? So you feel safe in your fucking neighborhood? I am sure that all black people will agree when I say: “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart”
You clearly didn’t understand the point, and I’m 98% sure you aren’t what you claim you are, so continue raging into the void like a dipshit and see how far that furthers your goals
No, no, fuck you. I mentioned how democrats use militarized police against black people and you say that is supposed to be a fucking compromise. Fuck you, you racist asshole. Fucking white liberals are the fucking worse. No wonder why both MLK and Malcolm X hated your ass.
Democrats still believe police unions when they threaten “stability” strikes, because they also benefit from system as is.
Anyone who tells me “as a black man” immediately gets out into white-dipshit-in-an-anonymous-forum-spreading-propaganda, where you will remain because rather than address the broken voting system and argue in-good-faith about mitigation of harm to the vulnerable-at-large, you responded with unrelated vitriol and really want us all to know, on an anonymous forum, that you are X thing.
I’m Donald fucking Trump and you can’t disprove that.
Funny you call me liberal when I’ve said no such thing, almost like you’re trying to steer the narrative.
Keep whining like a dipshit and attacking people who are less harmful to your community than those in power, who you helped get there with your “protest” vote, rather than work to address the systemic issues that plague all of us.
Bro, Biden tripled the budget of cops and you say that they are less harmful?! What is wrong with you?! “Good faith argument” with someone who automatically says that I am lying and who say that people dying should be a compromise, gotcha. My elders MLK, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers have all said that Democrat sucks and the only way forward is socialism. I am going to listen to them instead of you trying to whitesplain to me why Democrats are the best my community got.
Edit: They all died fighting for socialism, not for milquetoast liberties granted in fascism like the ones we get under democrats.
the better argument is that our system is both intentionally keeping these groups vulnerable and in large part to use them as bait to get you to vote the way they want you to; effectely entrapping you into this system so that you remain ignorant of the fact these same vulnerable groups are empowered and the driving force for change outside this country.
Until they realize that empowerment, there will be suffering, and it seems to be accelerationists who want that suffering to drive change. The whole point is that the system is broken in a first-past-the-post democracy.
I can tell you right now those same vulnerable people are not ready to rise up, though I wish that weren’t the case. There are people who still believe in decorum lmao.
We can talk all we want about people recognizing empowerment, but you’re also fighting entrenched propaganda campaigns that keep those same people fearful and against solidarity. Talk to any working class Fox News watching disphit.
Really until I see one of you propose, or enact, ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment, ima keep doing me and trying to reduce the harm to the vulnerable people as best I can.
The system is not broken, it is working as intended. Telling you it’s broken is so they can dangle “fixing it” in front of your face like a carrot on a stick, but it will never ever happen for as long as capitalists are allowed to run our world and make decisions for us.
You want “ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment”, the answer is and always has been class consciousness and historical materialism. It starts with you. Pick up a fucking book and seek it out. Cause I’m not seeing any ideas from you either and whether we like it or not, we are all in this together.
Mexico proved that it’s possible w/o removing the propaganda; queers, trans, students, leftists, women and indigenous people joined to together to kick out both of the liberal and conservative parties to bring in amlo & sheinbaum’s third party for the first time in over a century. Now the pri and the pan are just as irrelevant as a Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas
You’re not helping; you’re only perpetuating the harm to vulnerable people when you cooperate they way they want you to.
It’s the compromise for the vulnerable that most often gets brought up in this situation. A protest vote in a broken first-past-the-post election system generally helps the opposition to your vote. Republicans have demonstrated they hate the vulnerable (disabled, poor, debt-ridden) and Democrats are weak in their opposition, but if you want the help those that are vulnerable you would generally not want to subject them to Republicans, whom benefit from your protest vote.
Another argument is that if you fracture the opposition to bootlickers, the bootlickers will win.
I am sorry, but as a black man, I am supposed to be your sacrificial lamb and your fucking compromise for you for what? So you feel safe in your fucking neighborhood? I am sure that all black people will agree when I say: “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart”
You clearly didn’t understand the point, and I’m 98% sure you aren’t what you claim you are, so continue raging into the void like a dipshit and see how far that furthers your goals
Lol, never takes much to make blueMAGA fascists take the mask off
No, no, fuck you. I mentioned how democrats use militarized police against black people and you say that is supposed to be a fucking compromise. Fuck you, you racist asshole. Fucking white liberals are the fucking worse. No wonder why both MLK and Malcolm X hated your ass.
Democrats still believe police unions when they threaten “stability” strikes, because they also benefit from system as is.
Anyone who tells me “as a black man” immediately gets out into white-dipshit-in-an-anonymous-forum-spreading-propaganda, where you will remain because rather than address the broken voting system and argue in-good-faith about mitigation of harm to the vulnerable-at-large, you responded with unrelated vitriol and really want us all to know, on an anonymous forum, that you are X thing.
I’m Donald fucking Trump and you can’t disprove that.
Funny you call me liberal when I’ve said no such thing, almost like you’re trying to steer the narrative.
Keep whining like a dipshit and attacking people who are less harmful to your community than those in power, who you helped get there with your “protest” vote, rather than work to address the systemic issues that plague all of us.
Bro, Biden tripled the budget of cops and you say that they are less harmful?! What is wrong with you?! “Good faith argument” with someone who automatically says that I am lying and who say that people dying should be a compromise, gotcha. My elders MLK, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers have all said that Democrat sucks and the only way forward is socialism. I am going to listen to them instead of you trying to whitesplain to me why Democrats are the best my community got.
Edit: They all died fighting for socialism, not for milquetoast liberties granted in fascism like the ones we get under democrats.
Don’t be silly dude everyone knows only white liberals are smart enough to operate a computer. Everyone else is a bot or a troll.
the better argument is that our system is both intentionally keeping these groups vulnerable and in large part to use them as bait to get you to vote the way they want you to; effectely entrapping you into this system so that you remain ignorant of the fact these same vulnerable groups are empowered and the driving force for change outside this country.
Until they realize that empowerment, there will be suffering, and it seems to be accelerationists who want that suffering to drive change. The whole point is that the system is broken in a first-past-the-post democracy.
I can tell you right now those same vulnerable people are not ready to rise up, though I wish that weren’t the case. There are people who still believe in decorum lmao.
We can talk all we want about people recognizing empowerment, but you’re also fighting entrenched propaganda campaigns that keep those same people fearful and against solidarity. Talk to any working class Fox News watching disphit.
Really until I see one of you propose, or enact, ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment, ima keep doing me and trying to reduce the harm to the vulnerable people as best I can.
The system is not broken, it is working as intended. Telling you it’s broken is so they can dangle “fixing it” in front of your face like a carrot on a stick, but it will never ever happen for as long as capitalists are allowed to run our world and make decisions for us.
You want “ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment”, the answer is and always has been class consciousness and historical materialism. It starts with you. Pick up a fucking book and seek it out. Cause I’m not seeing any ideas from you either and whether we like it or not, we are all in this together.
Mexico proved that it’s possible w/o removing the propaganda; queers, trans, students, leftists, women and indigenous people joined to together to kick out both of the liberal and conservative parties to bring in amlo & sheinbaum’s third party for the first time in over a century. Now the pri and the pan are just as irrelevant as a Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas
You’re not helping; you’re only perpetuating the harm to vulnerable people when you cooperate they way they want you to.