For digging
Thanks Sherlock.
Sex people
There’s no way you’d get six people on that.
Not with that attitude you won’t.
Clearly it’s for the dads
Damn right it is. The kids don’t get a look in!
ur mum
Well, yes – in the 21st century women should be encouraged to enter traditionally male-dominated fields like excavation and mining.
It’s Big Digger, trying to train kids in the craft in order to lower salaries for digger operators in the future.
Don’t fall victim to their trap.
hell yeah
I was thinking about something like that today, wow
In the USA, there are few playgrounds with these.
But they are awesome.
The answer for what will humans do with this object is inevitably sex.
For digging
The kids with no friends or friend making skills, aka me as a kid, I loved those things, I used to see how far I could dig down, was so much fun.